Some of you participated in the last competition to find the fastest single paradiddle player.
Unfortunately, many of you forgot to comment back with your fastest speed and missed out on the preliminary prize (a chocolate bar) and a chance to win a pair of hot rod thunder or lightning sticks. The successful winners of that competition will be known by the end of Term 4 week 1.
Here is a second chance to win a prize!!!
How fast can you play your single-stroke roll?
All you need is a pair of drumsticks, a drum pad, and a metronome.
Don't have a metronome?
Easily fixed :)
Go to Metronome Online for free access to a metronome.
To find your fastest speed, choose a metronome marking.
For example, if you choose 100:
play one note with each click,
OR two notes per click
OR four notes per click
...choose the way that is easiest for you.
If 100 is too slow, set it to 104.
Keep moving the number higher until you have reached your top speed.
Try as many times over the next two weeks as you can, to get a higher number.
On or before Sunday October 10, 2010 comment on this post with the following information:
Your FIRST name e.g. Chris D.
Your fastest speed e.g. 108 b.p.m [beats per minute]
[make sure you choose "anonymous" for your ID,
and wait for the special curly letter field.
Go online with Mum or Dad to make sure you have commented properly.
Don't move away from the computer
until it states "Your comment is currently awaiting moderation"]
Make sure you can play your submitted speed for a whole minute - or you will be disqualified. Winners will be announced after times have been checked at lessons.
Enjoy your holidays and have fun playing!!!
Tessa :)
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